Here are some ways you can build experience during your time at university:
- Attend insight days from corporations
- Contact small businesses and offer to work for them
- Join/Lead a career society like a computer science society/finance society. They have a lot of
programmes such as workshops, mentorship programme, masterclasses and bootcamps etc. Often people in the year above you have secured internships and grad jobs, so they can give you a lot of support - Volunteer for charities, non-profits and social mobility organizations
- Create a project
o If you’re interested in software engineering build a project/app in a programming language you are passionate about - Lead university sports team
- Start your own university society
- Join a university society committee
- Work a part-time job
- Start a blog
And much more! These experiences will make you a more competitive university students so when
you are applying for spring weeks, internships and graduate jobs, your application stand out.