Welcome to the Free Coding Courses Directory, a curated list of essential resources designed to help students and professionals develop their soft & technical skills. Whether you’re starting your journey in programming, preparing for technical interviews, or advancing your career in specialised fields like quantitative finance or machine learning, this directory offers valuable tools and learning materials.
Category | Name | Description |
CORE | Core Skills | Core essential skills for breaking into tech |
CORE_TECH | Core Technical Skills | Technical skills useful for majority of tech roles |
PROG | Programming | Programming language and principle courses and resources |
DSA | Data Structures and Algorithms | Resources on Data Structures and Algorithms |
MLCM | Machine Learning and Computational Mathematics | Resources on Machine Learning and using mathematics in computing |
SWE | Software Engineering | Industrial practices on Software Engineering |
CAREER | Interview and Careers | Interview preparation and career development |
CYBER | Cybersecurity | Cybersecurity and Information Security |
QUANT | Quantitative Finance | Resources on breaking into Quantitative Finance |
Beginner: Requires absolutely no prerequisites – suitable as a starting point for breaking into tech
Novice: Requires at a least a basic understanding of the contexts of the resource
Intermediate: Requires at least a intermediate understanding of resources’ contexts or experience in a field relating to it
Advanced: Requires a strong understanding and experience in resources’ contexts (and likely related fields)
Specialised: Is highly specialised in a specific area
Varies: May be a collection of resources
Name | Link | Category | Difficulty | Description | Prerequisites | Paid? |
Tech Interview Resources | https://github.com/Leader-board/OA-and-Interviews/blob/main/Online%20Assessments.md | CAREER | Novice | Introduction to how Tech Interviews work, and how to complete them effectively | Free | |
US Internships | https://www.lumisource.io/ | CAREER | N/A | Easy way to find and track applications for US internships | Free | |
TechInterview Handbook | https://www.techinterviewhandbook.org/ | CAREER | N/A | Curated interview preparation material for tech roles | Free | |
Learn Anything | https://learn-anything.xyz/ | CAREER | Varies | Quick basic roadmaps to learn almost anything | Free | |
Interactive Linear Algebra | https://textbooks.math.gatech.edu/ila/ | CORE | Intermediate | Interactive book for Linear Algebra | Foundation in Linear Algebra, (Pre)Calculus | Free |
University Mathematics Notes | https://tutorial.math.lamar.edu/ | CORE | Intermediate | Algebra, Trigonometry, Calculus (I + II), Differential Equation notes | Understanding of Algebra, Trigonometry, Precalculus | Free |
Mathematics Textbooks | https://math.libretexts.org/Bookshelves | CORE | Varies | Large directory of Mathematics textbooks by topics (including Calculus, Differential Equations, Analysis, Linear Algebra, Combinatorics, etc.) | Free | |
Full CS Course directory | https://github.com/Developer-Y/cs-video-courses#data-structures-and-algorithms | CORE | Novice | Extensive course list for Computer Science modules | Generally a basic understanding of Computer Science overall | Free |
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics | https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDDGPdw7e6Ag1EIznZ-m-qXu4XX3A0cIz | CORE | Novice | Introductory course on Discrete Maths | Experience in basic mathematics | Free |
Computer Science Textbooks | https://eng.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Computer_Science | CORE_TECH | Varies | Large directory of Computer Science textbooks by topics | Free | |
Free CS Books | https://greenteapress.com/wp/ | CORE_TECH | Varies | List of free books in Python, Java, Data Science, and more | Basic understanding of programming principles | Free |
MIT Open Courses | https://ocw.mit.edu/ | CORE_TECH | Varies | List of free open MOOCs produced by MIT University (US) | Free | |
Makefile tutorial | https://makefiletutorial.com/ | CORE_TECH | Novice | Learn how to use industrial-standard Makefiles in your projects | Understanding on basic compiler and command-line usage | Free |
Fundamental Algorithms notes | https://courses.engr.illinois.edu/cs473/sp2011/Lectures/ | CORE_TECH | Intermediate | University course notes on basic Data Structures and Algorithms, problem-solving principles, algorithmic thinking, etc. | Basic understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms, programming | Free |
Quantum Machine Learning course resources | https://github.com/Qiskit/textbook/tree/main/notebooks/quantum-machine-learning# | CORE_TECH | Specialised | Course contents for a Quantum Machine Learning course | Strong understanding of machine learning, undergraduate-level mathematics, quantum mechanics, programming | Free |
Introduction to Quantum Computing | https://quantum.country/qcvc | CORE_TECH | Specialised | Introduction to the world of Quantum Computing, how it works, and why it works | Strong understanding of mathematics, classical computing, and a foundation in quantum physics | Free |
Influential CS Books | https://github.com/cs-books/influential-cs-books | CORE_TECH | Varies | List of open influential Computer Science books to learn fundamentals | Free | |
Stanford CS Education Library | http://cslibrary.stanford.edu/ | CORE_TECH | Intermediate | Computer Science Education course material from Stanford | Free | |
Introduction to Programming Contests | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs97si/ | CORE_TECH | Intermediate | Learn and analyse different Data Structures & Algorithms, algorithmic thinking in areas including Dynamic Programming, Geometric algorithms, etc. | Understanding of basic Data Structures and Algorithms, programming in C/C++/Java | Free |
OSSU Computer Science Open Course | https://github.com/ossu/computer-science | CORE_TECH | Beginner | A complete, free, undergraduate-level computer science open course | Understanding of highschool (GCSE + A Level Mathematics) | Free |
Awesome Hacking | https://github.com/Hack-with-Github/Awesome-Hacking | CYBER | Intermediate | Open collection of cybersecurity resources, particularly focused on penetration | Free | |
TryHackMe | https://tryhackme.com/ | CYBER | Novice | Learn cybersecurity and pentesting in a secure environment | Free | |
Google DSA Questions | https://techdevguide.withgoogle.com/paths/data-structures-and-algorithms | DSA | Novice | Google's Tech Dev Guide on Data Structures and Algorithms | Understanding of basic DSA | Free |
DSA Problem solving in Python | https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/pythonds/index.html | DSA | Novice | Learn various DSA and how we can use to to solve problems using Python | Basic understanding of Python and DSA | Free |
Open Data Structures | https://www.aupress.ca/books/120226-open-data-structures/ | DSA | Intermediate | Java-based introduction to less simple Data Structures | Strong understanding of basic Data Structures, experience in any programming language | Free |
BigO - Basic Algorithms | https://big-o.io/ | DSA | Novice | Explore explanations, implementations, and analysis of basic common Computer Science algorithms | Basic understanding of programming and DSA | Free |
Open Data Structures | https://opendatastructures.org/ | DSA | Novice | Technical introduction to Data Structures in various languages, or pseudocode | Basic understanding of computer science, Big O Notation, data structures, memory | Free |
System Design Primer | https://github.com/donnemartin/system-design-primer | CAREER | Intermediate | Prepare for System Design interviews | Understanding of basic System Design | Free |
Technical Interview Guide | https://github.com/jwasham/coding-interview-university | CAREER | Intermediate | Prepare for Technical Interviews | Foundation in programming, Computer Science | Free |
Machine Learning Resources | https://github.com/josephmisiti/awesome-machine-learning | MLCM | Intermediate | A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software | Understanding of Machine Learning concepts | Free |
Artificial Intelligence Notes | https://notesonai.com/Notes+on+AI | MLCM | Intermediate | Collection of Machine Learning notes of a Masters' student in ML, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning, NLP, Computer Vision, Information Retrieval | Understanding of Machine Learning concepts | Free |
Deep Learning Wizard | https://www.deeplearningwizard.com/ | MLCM | Novice | Online book for learning DeepLearning with PyTorch | Understanding of Python, Linear Algebra | Free |
ML Study Guide | https://github.com/AssemblyAI-Examples/ML-Study-Guide | MLCM | Beginner | Small study guide for getting started with Machine Learning in Python | Basic knowledge of Computer Science principles | Free |
Fast AI Course | https://course.fast.ai/ | MLCM | Novice | Practical course for learning how to apply Deep Learning | Knowledge of programming (Python preferably) | Free |
Python Quant | https://pyquantnews.com/ | QUANT | Advanced | Biweekly resources on quant trading in Python | Understanding of Python, Mathematics (varies), Quantitative Analysis | Free |
Machine Learning with Graphs | https://web.stanford.edu/class/cs224w/ | MLCM | Specialised | Open course on Machine Learning with Graphs (Graph Neural Networks, etc.) | Experience in Machine Learning, graph data structures, mathematics (linear algebra, discrete mathematics), programming (preferably Python) | Free |
Kaggle | https://www.kaggle.com/ | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
Google Datasets | https://datasetsearch.research.google.com/ | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
Open Public Datasets | https://github.com/awesomedata/awesome-public-datasets | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
Azure Datasets | https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/open-datasets/dataset-catalog | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
AWS Datasets | https://aws.amazon.com/de/opendata/?wwps-cards.sort-by=item.additionalFields.sortDate&wwps-cards.sort-order=desc | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
NASA Datasets | https://search.earthdata.nasa.gov/search | MLCM | N/A | Datasets for Data Science, Machine Learning, etc. | Free | |
Papers with Code | https://paperswithcode.com/ | MLCM | N/A | Browse the latest research papers on Machine Learning with datasets and code available | Free | |
MarkTechPost | https://www.marktechpost.com/ | MLCM | N/A | Highly technical, curated AI research news - with no sensationalism | Free | |
LJMU Datasets | https://ljmu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/dbsearch?vid=44JMU_INST:44JMU_VU1 | MLCM | N/A | Dataset search tool across various disciplines | Free | |
Python MOOC | https://programming-23.mooc.fi/ | PROG | Beginner | Extensive beginner-friendly course to introduce most Python concepts | Free | |
Java MOOC | https://java-programming.mooc.fi/ | PROG | Beginner | Extensive beginner-friendly course to introduce most Java concepts | Free | |
Exercism | https://exercism.org/ | PROG | Beginner | Learn programming in over 70+ languages by practice | Free | |
Good First Issue | https://goodfirstissue.dev/ | PROG | Intermediate | List of issues on repositories to make your first open-source contribution to | Experience in the language(s)/framework(s), Git and Version Control | Free |
Competitive Programming DSA | https://cp-algorithms.com/index.html | PROG | Advanced | Resources on learning complex Data Structures and Algorithms for Competitive Programming | Strong understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms, decent foundation in Mathematics | Free |
Developer Roadmaps | https://roadmap.sh/ | PROG | Novice | Introductory roadmaps for various developer pathways | Free | |
Launch School - CS Introductory Books | https://launchschool.com/books | PROG | Beginner | Open, free books for learning how to program | Free | |
ARM Assembly by example | https://armasm.com/ | PROG | Advanced | Introduction on using ARM Assembly | Any device with an ARM processor, experience with Linux, strong understanding of low-level programming | Free |
C by Example | https://www.cbyexample.com/ | PROG | Novice | An extensive set of example programs in C for learning | Basic understanding of low-level programming languages and programming paradigms | Free |
Learn C | https://www.learn-c.org/ | PROG | Beginner | A beginner-friendly introduction to the C Language | Basic understanding of programming | Free |
Go by Example | https://gobyexample.com/ | PROG | Novice | An extensive set of example programs in Golang for learning | Basic understanding of programming | Free |
Rust introductory book | https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ | PROG | Intermediate | Official introductory book to learn the Rust programming language | Strong understanding of any programming language, a foundation in computer memory | Free |
Learn C++ | https://www.learncpp.com/ | PROG | Beginner | Learn C++ from scratch | Free | |
The Modern JavaScript Tutorial | https://javascript.info/ | PROG | Beginner | Learn Javascript from scratch, both as a sole programming language and working with a browser | Free | |
Build your first Web Page | https://learn.shayhowe.com/html-css/building-your-first-web-page/ | PROG | Beginner | An introduction to basic Frontend Development with HTML & CSS | Free | |
Beginner's Guide to React | https://egghead.io/courses/the-beginner-s-guide-to-react | PROG | Novice | An open introductory course to front-end development with the React.js framework | Experience with JavaScript, HTML, CSS | Free |
GoLinuxCloud | https://www.golinuxcloud.com/golang-interview-questions-answers/ | PROG | Intermediate | Guides, tutorials, etc. for the Go programming language | Basic understanding of programming, networking | Free |
Ray Tracing course | https://users.cg.tuwien.ac.at/zsolnai/gfx/rendering-course/ | PROG | Specialised | Masters-level course on creating a ray tracer | Strong understanding of programming, mathematics, DSA. Understanding of physics is preferred | Free |
Dive into Systems | https://diveintosystems.org/book/ | PROG | Advanced | Introduction into Low-Level systems | Strong understanding of low-level programming, computer architecture, memory models | Free |
API List | https://apislist.com/ | PROG | N/A | List of APIs to use for your next project | Free | |
Guide to x86 ASM | https://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/cs216/guides/x86.html | PROG | Advanced | Introduction and guide to the basics of x86 Assembly | Understanding of low-level programming, computer architecture and memory | Free |
C Elements of Style | http://www.oualline.com/books.free/style/ | PROG | Intermediate | Slightly outdated guide to the C Language | Understanding of programming, memory | Free |
Free learning resources for Programming | https://ebookfoundation.github.io/free-programming-books-search/ | PROG | Varies | Find tons of learning resources of varying levels for virtually every mainstream programming language | Free | |
Programming in C - Introduction | https://ee.hawaii.edu/~tep/EE160/Book/PDF/Book.html | PROG | Novice | Learn how to program in C effectively | Basic understanding of programming principles and software | Free |
Modern C++ Tutorial | https://changkun.de/modern-cpp/pdf/modern-cpp-tutorial-en-us.pdf | PROG | Intermediate | Learn how to write in Modern C++, for developers who are familiar with traditional C++ | Experience and understanding in traditional C++ | Free |
Clean code for Beginners | https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/clean-coding-for-beginners/ | PROG | Novice | Learn how to develop clean code in an industrial setting, for beginners | Basic experience in programming | Free |
Crafting Interpreters | https://craftinginterpreters.com/ | PROG | Intermediate | Guide on developing your own interpreter from scratch | Experience in programming, OOP | Free |
Introduction to Compilers and Language Design | https://www3.nd.edu/~dthain/compilerbook/compilerbook.pdf | PROG | Advanced | Introduction on how compilers work from start to finish | Strong experience in programming, computer architecture, memory, data structures and algorithms. Foundation in language design, grammar preferred | Free |
Codecrafters | https://codecrafters.io/ | SWE | Advanced | Learn how to recreate complex existing applications | Strong experience in Programming, System Design, Frameworks, DSA, Design Principles, etc. | Free |
Developer Cheatsheet | https://quickref.me/ | SWE | Novice | Quick cheatsheet for basic programming principles and concepts | Free | |
SQLBolt | https://sqlbolt.com/ | CORE_TECH | Beginner | Interactive lessons to learn SQL | Basic knowledge of databases | Free |
SQLZoo | https://sqlzoo.net/wiki/SQL_Tutorial | CORE_TECH | Novice | Step-by-step lessons to learn SQL and build queries | Basic knowledge of databases | Free |
PGExercise | https://pgexercises.com/ | CORE_TECH | Intermediate | Learn PostgreSQL by exercises | Understanding of basic SQL, relational databases | Free |
Mode - Basic SQL | https://mode.com/sql-tutorial | CORE_TECH | Beginner | Explanatory step-by-step exercises for learning SQL | Free | |
Fine-Tuning coursea | https://www.marqo.ai/courses/fine-tuning-embedding-models | MLCM | Novice | Course on finetuning embedding models for semantic search | Understanding of mathematics/linalg | Free |
LLM Visualisation | https://bbycroft.net/llm | MLCM | N/A | Visualisation of Large Language Model architecture | Understanding of machine learning, NLP | Free |
The Orange Book of Machine Learning | https://www.kaggle.com/discussions/getting-started/516503#2920798 | MLCM | Novice | Introductory course on Machine Learning | Strong understanding of mathematics, linear algebra | Free |
A Philosophy of Software Design | https://milkov.tech/assets/psd.pdf | SWE | Intermediate | Guide on approaching designing software | Understanding of software engineering, programming languages (C/C++), computer science | Free |
Algorithms using Pseudocode | https://jeffe.cs.illinois.edu/teaching/algorithms/book/Algorithms-JeffE.pdf | DSA | Intermediate | Lecture notes regarding Data Structures & Algorithms | Understanding of Discrete Mathematics, proofs, programming concepts, foundational ("fundamental") algorithms, asymptotic notation | Free |
Memory Allocation | https://samwho.dev/memory-allocation/ | CORE_TECH | Intermediate | Introduction on memory allocation in low-level languages | Understanding of a low level programming language, memory | Free |
Putting the "You" in CPU | https://cpu.land/ | CORE_TECH | Advanced | Learn how core concepts work within a CPU | Understanding of low level programming, memory, CPU, Operating Systems | Free |
Software Engineering Body of Knowledge | https://www.computer.org/education/bodies-of-knowledge/software-engineering/v3 | SWE | Intermediate | Information on the overall process of Software Engineering | Understanding of programming, computer science, development lifecycle | Free |
Professional Programming | https://github.com/charlax/professional-programming | CORE_TECH | Varies | Collection of resources on Software Engineering industrial standards | Free | |
Runestone Academy - Python course | https://runestone.academy/ns/books/published/fopp/index.html | PROG | Beginner | Introductory course on Python and foundational Computer Science | Free | |
Zero to Mastery | https://zerotomastery.io/courses/ | CAREER | Varies | Extensive courses for various technical fields | Paid | |
Quant Firms / Hedge Funds | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11Yt_N3XJISjhcRprcodQasKeOVXT-gww/edit?gid=1710251043#gid=1710251043 | QUANT | N/A | list of quant firms, hedge funds, proprietary trading firms, and asset managers across the globe. | Free | |
Practical Guide to Quantitative Finance Interviews | https://usermanual.wiki/Document/Practical20Guide20To20Quantitative20Finance20Interview.604244935.pdf | QUANT | Intermediate to Advanced | in-depth overview of the types of questions and topics typically encountered in quantitative finance interviews. | Undergraduate level probability, statistics, linear algebra, calculus | Free |
Quant Questions | https://www.quantquestions.com/questions/explore/ | QUANT | Intermediate to Advanced | collection of quantitative finance interview questions covering topics such as probability, statistics and brainteasers etc. | Undergraduate level probability, statistics, linear algebra, calculus | Free |
NeetCode | https://neetcode.io/ | DSA | Novice to Advanced | A platform offering structured guides and coding problems for mastering data structures and algorithms, ideal for interview preparation. | Basic programming knowledge & DSA knowledge | Free |
Most Common HireVue Interview Questions | https://behrend.psu.edu/academics/academic-services/career-services/resources/interviewing/most-common-hirevue-interview-questions | CAREER | N/A | A list of common questions asked in HireVue video interviews, commonly used by companies for initial candidate screening. | Free | |
A Good Tech Resume | https://thetechresume.com/A_Good_Tech_Resume.pdf | CAREER | N/A | A concise guide on how to craft a strong resume for tech roles, highlighting best practices for formatting, content, and presenting technical skills effectively. | Free | |
CSES Algorithm Book | https://cses.fi/book/book.pdf | CAREER | Intermediate | A comprehensive book covering algorithms and data structures, with a focus on competitive programming and problem-solving techniques. | Data Structures & Algorithms | Free |
Engineering Resumes Guide | https://www.reddit.com/r/EngineeringResumes/wiki/index/#wiki_make_your_resume_easy_to_read_and_skim | CAREER | N/A | A community-driven guide providing tips and best practices for creating effective engineering resumes, focusing on clarity, formatting, and relevant content for technical roles. | Free | |
Google Tech Dev Guide - Interview Prep | https://techdevguide.withgoogle.com/paths/interview/ | CAREER | Intermediate | A comprehensive guide by Google for technical interview preparation, covering coding challenges, algorithms, and problem-solving strategies. | Data Structures & Algorithms | Free |
LSESU Business & Investment Group Application Tracker 2024/25 | https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Zk13bgREvD2Fev2XKJasyyx-BV2SYimA/edit?gid=1922076053#gid=1922076053 | CAREER | N/A | A tracker for internship, spring week, graduate scheme, and off-cycle applications, detailing companies, deadlines, stages, and tips from past applicants. | Free | |
Blind 75 LeetCode Questions | https://leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/460599/blind-75-leetcode-questions | DSA | Intermediate | A curated list of 75 essential coding questions on LeetCode, designed to cover key data structures and algorithms topics commonly asked in technical interviews. | Data Structures & Algorithms | Free |
Levels.fyi | https://www.levels.fyi/ | CAREER | N/A | A platform that provides transparency on tech job levels, compensation, and career progression across major companies. It includes salary comparisons, leveling frameworks, and negotiation tips. | Free | |
CompClarity | https://compclarity.com/ | CAREER | N/A | A compensation evaluation tool focused on Europe, helping professionals understand their salary, equity, and benefits packages. It offers insights for negotiation and career planning in the European job market. | Free | |
r/learnprogramming | https://www.reddit.com/r/learnprogramming/ | PROG | Novice to Intermediate | A Reddit community for beginners and learners of programming. It offers advice, resources, and answers to questions about various programming languages, tools, and best practices. | Free | |
Applied to 415 Quant Jobs, Learn From My Mistakes | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFRifVRRRlw | QUANT | N/A | A YouTube video where the creator shares insights and lessons learned after applying to 415 quantitative finance roles. It offers practical advice on common mistakes and how to improve job applications for quant roles. | Free | |
Coding Jesus YouTube Channel | https://www.youtube.com/@CodingJesus/videos | QUANT/CAREER | N/A | A YouTube channel focused on quant finance, software engineering, and career advice. The creator shares insights on getting into quantitative finance, coding skills, and tips for succeeding in the tech and finance industries. | Free | |
Welcome to the Jungle UK | https://uk.welcometothejungle.com/ | CAREER | N/A | A platform providing job listings, company profiles, and career advice for professionals in the UK. It offers insights into company cultures, available roles, and tips for navigating the job market. | Free | |
Multiverse - Career Starters | https://www.multiverse.io/en-GB/individuals/career-starters | CAREER | N/A | A platform offering apprenticeship programs for individuals looking to start their careers in tech, data, and other fields, providing an alternative to traditional university education. | Free | |
AI Pay Grades | https://aipaygrad.es/ | CAREER | N/A | A platform that provides transparent data on salaries for AI and machine learning roles, helping professionals and job seekers understand compensation trends in the AI industry. | Free | |
freeCodeCamp | https://www.freecodecamp.org/ | PROG | Beginner to Advanced | A free platform offering interactive coding lessons, projects, and certifications in web development, data science, and other programming fields. It provides hands-on experience for beginners and intermediate learners. | Free | |
Tech with Tim | https://www.techwithtim.net/ | PROG | Beginner to Advanced | A platform offering programming tutorials, resources, and project-based learning in Python, AI, and game development. It is ideal for learners looking to improve their coding skills through hands-on projects. | Free | |
W3 Schools | https://www.w3schools.com/ | PROG | Beginner to Advanced | A popular platform offering tutorials and references on web development languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. It provides interactive examples and exercises for beginners learning to code. | Free | |
Ultimate Coding Resources | https://github.com/Dylan-Israel/ultimate-coding-resources?tab=readme-ov-file | PROG | N/A | A curated collection of coding resources, including tutorials, tools, and guides, to help learners and developers improve their programming skills across various languages and technologies. | Free | |
Roadmap.sh | https://roadmap.sh/ | PROG | N/A | A platform offering visual roadmaps for developers to guide them through learning paths for various roles, such as frontend, backend, DevOps, and more. It helps learners understand the skills and technologies required for different career paths in tech. | Free |